Intro background

Sustainable Transportation

How people and goods move around Clark County is important! When we commute to work, go to meetings, and conduct inspections, especially if we go by car, our actions impact the environment. Clark County is making moves toward cleaner and more efficient transportation options.


Why Transportation Matters

Transportation & Climate Change

Getting around Clark County using a diversity of efficient, clean, and safe options is crucial to tackling climate change. With each mile we drive with gasoline or diesel, we emit greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) that contribute to the climatic changes we are already experiencing. We can reduce unnecessary trips by moving to virtual meetings and telecommuting, as appropriate. We can also rely on sustainable options like electric vehicles and transit to offset some of the impacts of necessary travel. Read more below to understand why transportation matters and what the County is doing about it! 

Why Transportation Matters

Transportation Emissions- County Operations

The County’s vehicle fleet emissions, when combined with employee commuting, account for more than a third of the County’s operational GHG emissions. The employee commute alone is responsible for 24% of these emissions. In fact, the average Clark County employee commutes 30 miles to work each day! Finding ways to combine and reduce trips, while switching to cleaner options, will play an important role in lowering GHGs.


Why Transportation Matters

Emissions Reducing Policies

The County has reduced 5 million commuting miles to-date as a result of the four-day work week policy for Clark County, established in July 2020, not accounting for reductions from COVID-related telecommuting. 

That change avoided 2,100 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e). That's nearly 10% of total emissions from Clark County commuters!

Making Moves

Toward a Cleaner Transportation System

Clark County is already making moves to clean up its vehicle fleet and support commuters to make choices that benefit their pockets and the planet. The potential for GHG reduction of these moves is substantial: incorporating GPS into County trip-routing, further promoting alternative commutes among employees, and transitioning the County’s fleet to all-electric could reduce emissions by nearly 800 MTCO2e. That's nearly 10% of total emissions from the County's fleet.


Making Moves

Charging Infrastructure

The County currently has a total of 21 charging stations, nine reserved for County fleet across two facilities and 12 for public use located at Government Center. Increasing the amount of accessible charging infrastructure is a crucial piece of the transition toward widespread electric vehicle usage across the County. Find more publicly available chargers using this map from the Nevada Electric Vehicle Accelerator!


Join ClubRide

Do you bike, bus, carpool, or work from home? The ClubRide program enables employees who commute via these, and other alternative commuting methods, to log their commutes and get a chance to earn monthly raffle prizes.

Are You All-In?

Reduce Your Transportation Footprint

Biking, walking, taking transit, and driving an electric car are all ways to reduce your carbon footprint and save money. Green your trip with these tools!

Plan your next ride with RTC and get estimated arrival times with a click of your phone.
See how much money and gas you could save by switching to an electric vehicle.
Find an electric vehicle charging station location near you.