Intro background

Water Conservation & Protection

Water supply, use, and management, including stormwater management, are essential to supporting life in the valley. 

Water Management in the Mojave

Drought Levels in Nevada

As climate change heats up the region, it also impacts our water supply. Drought conditions are and will continue to worsen across Clark County and the state of Nevada. 

The map to the right visualizes drought conditions in November of 2020. The brown shaded area, where Las Vegas is located, represents exceptional drought, the most severe level, while red represents extreme drought, the second-most severe level of drought.

Throughout 2020, 100% of Nevada was in some form of abnormal dryness or drought. That's why conservation efforts across Clark County and the region are more important than ever. 


Water Management in the Mojave

Regional Collaboration

Given the real threat of drought in the region, water is a precious resource in the Mojave, and the Clark County community takes that seriously. The natural sources that supply our water span county and municipal lines, making a collaborative approach to water management crucial for our survival, especially as climate change threatens regional water resources.

In 2018, Clark County came together with the Southern Nevada Water Authority and the six municipalities and water districts in the valley to develop a Joint Water Conservation Plan. The Plan will help the County reach its conservation goal of 105 gallons of water per person per day by 2035.

We measure water conservation by determining the total amount of water each resident in Clark County uses each per person per day
We measure water conservation by determining the total amount of water each resident in Clark County uses each per person per day

County Conservation Efforts

Decreased Per Person Water Use

Clark County is expecting an influx of approximately 400,000 more residents by 2030 and 820,000 residents by 2060. With all of that population increase and the vast majority of its water coming from the already-stressed Colorado River, Clark County is working hard with regional partners to maintain water supply. 

Efforts in partnership with the Southern Nevada Water Authority to-date have resulted in a 46% decrease in water use per person and a 25% decrease in consumption from the Colorado river, even while the local population has increased 46%!

County Conservation Efforts

Every Drop Counts!

Specific County actions are contributing to reduced water consumption levels in the region. Just a few of these important water-saving measures include:

  • Use of water meters in County buildings
  • Adoption of County codes on low-flow and low-flush water fixtures
  • Installation of master valves and flow sensors in all urban Clark County parks
  • Training employees on personal water use and how to operate efficient water fixtures
  • "Xeriscaping" landscaped areas such that they don't require irrigation


Did You Know?

The County’s Department of Aviation, used the least amount of water per passenger compared to any other airport in the country in 2018. One key measure incorporated by the airport is the conversion of existing turf to drought-tolerant xeriscaping.


Source: SNWA

County Conservation Efforts

Getting Water Smart

Xeriscaping is one way that the County is reducing unnecessary water use. Xeriscaping means designing landscapes or gardens in order to minimize water use. Clark County has already converted more than a million square feet of non-functional turf (21 properties) through the Southern Nevada Water Authority's (SNWA's) Water Smart Landscaping program!

Are You All-In?

Conserve Water for a Thriving Future

Complying with water regulations can be easy with rebates and help from SNWA. Check out these resources!

Discover SNWA's tools to navigate your local water restrictions.
Ditch unnecessary water use and save money with the Water Smart Landscapes Rebate program.
Cut down on your commercial water usage and finance water efficiency projects.